Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative

Role of Systemic Factors in Improving the Prognosis of Diabetic Retinal Disease and Predicting Response to Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

Ophthalmology Science February 2024 published the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative’s Working Group paper titled: “Role of Systemic Factors in Improving the Prognosis of Diabetic Retinal Disease and Predicting Response to Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment.” An in-depth review that explores the clinical evidence on systemic factors that might be relevant to update diabetic retinal disease (DRD) staging systems, including prediction of DRD onset, progression, and response to treatment. Authors included the Systemic Health Working Group of the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative, including Joe Mellor,  Anita Jeyam, Joline W.J. Beulens, Sanjeeb Bhandari, Geoffrey Broadhead,  Emily Chew, Ward Fickweiler, Amber van der Heijden, Daniel Gordin, Rafael Simó,  Janet Snell-Bergeon,  Anniina Tynjälä, and Helen Colhoun.

Monica Oxenreiter

personal story told at our Fall Workshop by Monica Oxenreiter. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1995, Monica’s journey, alongside her brother’s diagnosis three years later, transformed their battle into a family affair. As a delegate of the JDRF Children’s Congress in Washington, DC, Monica found inspiration in Mary Tyler Moore’s advocacy, seeing her as a role model of elegance and strength.

In 2008, Monica founded Zip the Cure to raise a hundred dollars from each of the 42,000 zip codes in the U.S. to support diabetes research, and they proudly raised $100,000, learning critical lessons in mobilizing communities around a cause.

Monica’s journey from advocacy to education, from an undergrad in biochemistry to graduate degrees in public policy and healthcare administration, reflects a path marked by growth, commitment, and a relentless drive to effect change. Her story celebrates the strength found in the community and the impact of raising awareness for a cure for diabetes.

Rationale of Basic and Cellular Mechanisms Considered in Updating the Staging System for Diabetic Retinal Disease

Ophthalmology Science (March 2024) published a Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative Working Group paper titled “Rationale of Basic and Cellular Mechanisms Considered in Updating the Staging System for Diabetic Retinal Disease.” An in-depth review that explores the preclinical and clinical evidence on basic and cellular mechanisms potentially pertinent to diabetic retinal disease (DRD) that might eventually be relevant to updating the DRD staging system. Authors included the cellular mechanisms working group of the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative, including M. Elizabeth Hartnett, Ward Fickweiler, Anthony P. Adamis, Michael Brownlee, Arup Das, Elia J. Duh, Edward P. Feener, George King, Renu Kowluru, Ulrich F.O. Luhmann, Federica Storti, Charles C. Wykoff, and Lloyd Paul Aiello.

RPB Grant

Research to Prevent Blindness Announces New Sight-Saving Vision Research Grants

The research awards, given in partnership with the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative and in honor of RPB Trustee Tom Wertheimer, will focus, respectively, on the cutting-edge areas of retinal research for Diabetic Eye Disease and data science for eye disease research.

NEW YORK – April 24, 2023 – Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) is pleased to announce two new grants to support high-impact vision research as part of its fall grants portfolio, which is now accepting applications and will fund more than $5 million in grants for individual researchers as well as high-performing departments of ophthalmology. The new grants are the: RPB / Tom Wertheimer Career Development Award in Data Science and RPB / Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative Physician-Scientist Award.

RPB has two grant cycles a year (spring and fall) and provides about $10 million in grant funding annually to support sight-saving research into eye diseases and conditions that affect vision. Awards for the current grant cycle will be made in December 2023.

“RPB is very strategic in its application of research funding, so I am thrilled to announce two new individual research awards in the key areas of data science and retinal research related to Diabetic Retinal Disease,” said Brian F. Hofland, PhD, President of Research to Prevent Blindness. “Furthermore, we’re so proud to provide these awards with excellent partners. Two generous donors each gave gifts to create the award honoring RPB Trustee Tom Wertheimer, a long-standing, valued member of the RPB Board of Trustees. The Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative is a nonprofit led by the late Ms. Moore’s husband, Dr. S. Robert Levine, who is wholeheartedly committed to ending vision loss associated with diabetes through groundbreaking science.”

Details about each award are available below:

RPB / Tom Wertheimer Career Development Award in Data Science

This award focuses on vision research that uses artificial intelligence and/or data science to gain new knowledge related to sight-threatening conditions. This Career Development Award (CDA) builds on the success of the RPB CDA program, which supports early-career researchers in making critical discoveries prior to their first major research grant from the National Institutes of Health.

This $350,000 research award, provided over 4 years, allows for extraordinarily talented early-career vision researchers to launch their careers as independent investigators, with the support of a mentorship team. By creating a CDA in Data Science, RPB recognizes the importance of data science to the future of vision research, and medical research at large, and will provide much-needed support in the form of this prestigious award.

An assessment of RPB’s CDA program several years ago indicated that of the approximately $40 million RPB had invested into this program over 30 years, CDA grantees had gone on to garner more than $1 billion in follow-on research grant funding, a 25:1 return on investment.

RPB / Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative Physician-Scientist Award

This award is part of RPB’s long-standing Physician-Scientist Award program that promotes the clinical and/or basic science research of clinicians, who bring a critical commitment to patient care to their research activities.

In partnership with the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative, this new $300,000 research award will focus on retinal research with an emphasis on expanding relevant knowledge and developing methods to preserve and restore visual function in diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, and diabetic retinal neurodegeneration known as Diabetic Retinal Disease, or DRD).

“I am excited to be partnering with Research to Prevent Blindness to support an outstanding physician-scientist who can help advance our understanding of Diabetic Retinal Disease, including at the molecular, cellular, and functional levels. This terrible disease stole joy and independence from my wife, Mary, and I have made it my life’s mission to end the devastation and suffering it causes in the lives of millions around the world. I am deeply grateful to RPB for their leadership in vision research and for working with me to achieve shared goals,” said Robert Levine, MD, Chairman, Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative.

In addition to the two new grants described above, RPB funds grants into research across all sight-threatening conditions, including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, amblyopia, low vision, and many more. A full list of current research grants is available on the RPB website (, including eligibility criteria and application guidelines.


Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) is the leading nonprofit organization supporting eye research directed at the prevention, treatment or eradication of all diseases that damage and destroy sight. As part of this purview, RPB also supports efforts to grow and sustain a robust and diverse vision research community. Since it was founded in 1960 by Dr. Jules Stein, RPB has awarded more than $403 million in research grants. As a result, RPB has been associated with nearly every major breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of vision loss in the past 63 years. Learn more at

ADA 2023 Scientific Sessions

MTMVI puts the spotlight on Diabetic Retinal Disease

From June 23-26, scientists and healthcare professionals will gather in San Diego for the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) 83rd Scientific Sessions, one of the largest conferences of diabetes researchers in the world.

Staff and scientists from the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative (MTMVI) will also be there to present the initiative’s goals and approach to ending Diabetic Retinal Disease (DRD). This session which is themed around Acute and Chronic Complications of diabetes, will be held on Sunday, June 25th. Join us in room 25 for Session AC-1.5-SY15 if you’re in attendance!

Here’s the session agenda:

Creating a World without Visual Loss from Diabetes

Sunday, June 25, 2023

4:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m. The Goal of Eliminating Blindness from Diabetic Retinal Disease

S. Robert Levine, MD

4:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m. The Importance of Studying the Human Retinal Disease

Patrice E. Fort, MS, PhD

5:00 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Structure-Function Connections in Human Diabetic Retinal Disease

Stela Vujosevic, MD, PhD

5:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Designing Clinical Trials Based on Advanced Understanding of Diabetic Retinal Disease

Jennifer Sun, MO, MPH

5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Question and Discussion Period

Image of San Diego Convention Center courtesy of Port of San Diego

Fall 2022 Workshop

In October 2022, a landmark workshop held in Ann Arbor included over 90 attendees, representing diverse backgrounds from around the globe. Participants included patients and representatives from leading biopharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies, JDRF, the National Institutes of Health, the American Diabetes Association, the US Food and Drug Administration, and other key stakeholders. Researchers and clinicians from the United States, Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Australia gathered to discuss various methods for improving the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinal Disease (DRD), with an emphasis on visual function and the importance of listening to patient voices.

Establishing biomarkers and clinical endpoints for DRD is a critical component of the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative’s efforts. Our goal is to develop new methods for early diagnosis, assess disease severity and risk, and predict the rate of progression and response to therapy.

The workshop identified knowledge gaps in the field and the participants will continue to work in a public-private consortium to develop new endpoints for research and clinical care of patients with this condition – all to serve the overarching purpose of the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative — to accelerate the development of new methods to preserve and restore vision and create a world without vision loss from diabetes.

Our Agenda:

Fall 2022 Workshop Agenda

TVST Workshop Report

Visual Function Measurements in Eyes with Diabetic Retinopathy: An Expert Opinion on Available Measures

Ophthalmology Science (April 2024) published the Visual Function Working Group of the DRD Staging System Update, a project of the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative, titled: “Visual Function Measurements in Eyes with Diabetic Retinopathy: An Expert Opinion on Available Measures.” An in-depth review that explores how to best measure visual function in people with diabetes and diabetic retinal disease. Authors included working group leaders Adam R. Glassman, MS and Mohamed Ashraf Elmasry, MD PhD FRCOphth, and members: Darrell E. Baskin, MD, Mitchell Brigell, PhD, Victor Chong, MD, Quentin Davis, PhD, Luis Lesmes, PhD, Leonard A. Levin, MD, PhD, Ted Maddess, PhD, FNAI, Laura J. Taylor, BSc(Hons), Andreas Wenzel, PhD. 

Experts Stress Importance of Eye Health in Patients with Diabetes

The stories shared by JDRF staffers this month about their experiences with diabetic eye disease are sobering reminders that individuals with diabetes are at a lifelong risk of vision loss. This holds true despite recent advances in treatment and improvements in doctor and patient education. Currently, the best way to prevent vision threatening diabetic retinal disease is by controlling factors such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. We also emphasize the importance of routine dilated eye examinations performed at least annually. Nonetheless, we see patients on a weekly basis who, despite decades of careful monitoring of their blood sugars, a healthy diet, and routine exercise, develop advanced retinal complications like the ones described by Arielle, Grace, Liz, and Nate. Given the rising numbers of patients with T1D worldwide and the enormous burden that diabetic eye complications place on patients and their families, there is a tremendous unmet need for newer, more effective therapies and prevention strategies for diabetic eye disease.

The Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative (MTM Vision) is an international collaboration led by Dr. S. Robert Levine and inspired by his wife, the actress Mary Tyler Moore, who worked tirelessly to advocate for patients with T1D and who envisioned a world without vision loss from diabetes. The mission of MTM Vision is to acceleratethe development of new methods to preserve and restore vision in people with diabetes. This will be accomplished through major efforts already underway that include a redesign of the system used to describe the progression of diabetic eye disease, a biobank for eye tissue and fluid from deceased donors , and a collaboration between industry partners and researchers to develop new ways to measure visual function in the diabetic eye. Tools from these initial efforts will be used to improve the research and development process for new interventions that can help us preserve excellent vision in all eyes of people with T1D, and restore it in people who already have significant visual loss. As doctors and scientists, we recognize the importance of addressing the worldwide epidemic of diabetes and associated vision loss by developing therapies and preventions that effectively address early-stage disease even before vision is affected. As humans, we are motivated by the people we have known and loved who have suffered irreversible vision loss from diabetes. MTM Vision has gathered an internationally renowned group of physicians, scientists, and major industry groups to work together in solving this challenge. We are committed to keeping the patient voice front and center in this endeavor. Our purpose is to ensure that people with diabetes can live joyful and independent lives free from the fear and suffering of vision loss.

Jennifer Sun, MD, MPH is Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, Chief of the Center for Eye Research and Trials at the Beetham Eye Institute, Joslin Diabetes Center, and Scientific Co-director of MTM Vision.

Thomas Gardner, MD, MS is Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Michigan and Scientific Co-director of MTM Vision.

Being Mary Tyler Moore Ann Arbor Screening

On May 6, 2023, Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative partners Caswell Diabetes Institute and Kellogg Eye Center at the University of Michigan, hosted a special screening of Being Mary Tyler Moore at the historic Michigan Theatre.

Cleveland Film Festival Screening

On Tuesday, March 28th we had a screening that was very well attended (packed!). We are so moved by the outpouring of support from our friends and fans in Ohio.

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